The CD-TOUCHAS paging console allows call-paging, message broadcasting and DSP matrix parameter control. It contains a 5” full-colour backlit touch-screen for simple, user-friendly operation. The screen offers up to 168 buttons across 12 pages which can be freely assigned in the software to any zone or group of zones. Each key contains a colour-changing field indicating if the zone is occupied by a different process. All paging parameters for site operation can be pre-programmed and stored within the console, including message triggering, level adjustment and pre-call chime setup. The ATEÏS range of security systems complies with current architectural demands requiring IP and/or fiber-optic networking to allow for even the most complex of system designs. ATEÏS responds to Public Address and Voice Alarm requirements as stated in EN54-16 and BS5839/8, with specific attributes for compliance in large installations. Models